Web 3 Resources


Web 3 Blog with resource links
Web 3 Blog


Assets that are permanently available and not dependent on cloud/fee based serving


Assets that are permanently available and not dependent on cloud/fee based serving

smart contracts

Versioned assets with documented "state" edits and change moderation. Logic and action based usability, with actions natively programmed into the file stack

profit sharing security/tokens

Peer Managed Revenue Modeling. Application with Revenue Model and contribution / tiered / portioning

Profit sharing community


Atomic NFTs

State Managed Applications with Ownership and Origination Version Documentation


Federation of Toolbelt and Product System

Static Asset Management

In order to load to DAPP management the full stack file system must include all asset/api links in a single static file stack. Server / Cloud Dependency is eliminated.
Federation of Toolbelt and Product System

Gated Payment Portals

Authentication and Entitilement

Randomize Human Verified Access to Wallets
Webflow is used like "Figma for an API" with any JS Framework/Script IA embedded with defer JS and SEO/Image content weighting and pixel tracking. exported to GIT based File Management with CI CD Deployment and Horizontal Scaling.

Fully Enterprise Ready and Compliant. Plus forms with full validation/entitlement, globalization, geo fencing detects.

Ethereum Code

Web 3 JS

Web 3 Javascript in "Higher Order" Head content will enable Payment with Ether.

Use as Standalone Atomic NFTs in Permaweb (koii/Arweave) and or export to React/Rails/Development stacks that are "hosted" solutions.

Influencer Project

Strategy / prototype

Web 3 logic, resources, reference and tools. Strategy and Prototype for WEB 3.0 strategy, influencer blog (verified 2 million plus). Drop Ship/Localization/Atomic NFT resources and ledgers. WEB 2.0 front for GA4 optimization. Automated in real time Segmentation and Event Hooks-3PL Warehouse/Inventory and Transaction triggers. Entitlement and Forms "hook" to API backed unlimited auto scale on a time stamped blockchain. Can scale horizontally in real time. Rich Media: Audio, Video, Large Format 3D is supported in Robust Asset Management Versioned System Moderation and Entitlement/Personalization.

Direct to Manufacter Custom Order Portal with Direct Pay for High Value Orders $5000 plus and Contracts/Milestone Payments with Deposit and Order Tracking.